With Great Respect And Love, I Welcome You With All My Heart.
Grace touches and transforms every aspect of our lives when we put forth our right effort to engage with This transformation is reflected in our behavior, our ethics, our language, our deportment, in how we care for our children; it is expressed in our art, music, and literature. All these forms of expression arise from the impulse and inspiration of the awaken human spirit.
Peace means to be in the midst of all those things and still be calm in your heart. That to me is the real meaning of peace.
Michael Founded Milenia Record Label to be in service for Universal and spiritual goals realized in tonal frequency healing with a fervent belief that music provides solid ground in all planetary culture.
Michael holds a Masters degree in music with over thirty five years of triadic reinforcement integrating his life-time study fusing eastern philosophy, Michael champions the science of numerology translation into equations and then into music, to begin the healing process. Michael discovered with this remarkable talent creates a specialized kind of music that vibrates within the physical centers by tonal frequencies as simply transcending our physical life stem.
ANGELICAL CHAKRA KUNDULINI RUSH CD. What a rare and wonderful gift for the self.
During the appearance of the Hyakutaki comet followed by eleven different Archangel visitations.
The frequencies are universally applicable to healing and re balancing at the soul levels.
Applications of this remarkable process are music compositions to perform targeted functions.
Such as working at the computer, meditating, gardening.
Michael also composes highly personal portraits of music that takes the individuals frequencies and create special soul realignment music that comes completely from the vibrations of ones life force to realign where you are now to where you came from to where your going in life. Sacred to only you.
Does everyone hold part of a key to uplift humanity?
Essentially, Michael's work continues to this day.
Music Composer [ASCAP Member since 2001]
Songwriter composer producer award winning film editor
Record Label Owner and Creator of World Pulse Music©
Oh god!... i know this one.... just gimme a second or two....
ummmm, what was the question? oh ya Q:When at what point does sound become music"
a: can we agree that music is sound*
b: can we agree the absence of sound is silence*
c: can we establish sound is the interruption of silence...
Sound is a wave of millions of particles resulting into a wall of atoms
sound travels at a specific speed i'm sure you've heard of the sonic boom*
once speed is achieved at the breaking point in the sound barrier the sonic boom
is the result of these millions of atoms colliding you can actually see the breech
in a picture shot by an amateur photographer capturing an f16 super sonic jet.
Music, is comprised of three basic elements, Melody, Harmony & Rhythm, OK'
in the harmonics created by tonic tone a secondary tone and a 3rd note creates a chord
illuminating overtones collide with the atom forming geographical molecular structures
these are the healing overtones one feels when music <i>sounds</i>.
so... my answer to the question is'
sound is a verb prescribing music in action. music does not have to be correct in signature
or form to be what it truly is, a noun. its simply exists in its physical state. Sound doesn't exist here, it is simply an action taking place and without music you would hear nothing. (silence) (your blood pumping perhaps) could you hear such a unique form of silence and would silence be a sound too? Sid's question does not sit without Hawkins razor.
I was face with the challenge writing a melody portraying the instrument of the crown chakra
incidentally the instrument was silence and the physical element was light, what do you think I did?
I was able to unveil the instrument of silence by contrast, I simply removed the sound of music fading fading fading till finally the instrument of "silence" became its true self.
In closing at the birth of our Universe came the primordial "sound" of life in the form of a blue pearl, some say it <i>sounds</i> like ohm'. So the next time you hear a "sound" not so appealing to your ears, just say that is just creation waking up to remind us all that without Music there would be no Love and with out Love there would be no Light and without Light
there would be no Life.
So, you tell me, whats the meaning of Life? sounds like music to my ears, and that's not such a bad frequency we can all see, just remember, not everybody can hear what everybody hears, how sensitive our hearing structure may become is determined on what an how we speak! yes yes, Arkian's, the working organ for the throat chakra are your EARS!
Grace touches and transforms every aspect of our lives when we put forth our right effort to engage with This transformation is reflected in our behavior, our ethics, our language, our deportment, in how we care for our children; it is expressed in our art, music, and literature. All these forms of expression arise from the impulse and inspiration of the awakened Kundalini Shakti.
The fierce aspect of the universal Shakti or divine Mother, who destroys limitations and evil tendencies. She is often depicted as the eight-armed warrior goddess who rides a tiger and carries weapons.
One of the warrior heroes from the Indian epic Mahabharata; a disciple of Lord Krishna. It was to Arjuna that Krishna imparted his teachings in the Bhagavad-gita.
The Measure of Civilization
Departments of Peace!
Q. – What is our truest Measure of Civilization?
A. – The way we treat each other, other life-forms and our planet.
Q. – How many nations are there in the world?
A. – 195.
Q. – How many nations and territories have Departments of War, Departments of Defense and/or standing armies?
A. – 184.
Q. – How many Departments of Peace are there among the nations of the world?
A. – None!
STCT is actively promoting the creation of Departments of Peace in all of the Governments, Houses of Worship, Major Corporations, and Schools and Universities of the World.